As mentioned in an earlier post, I have finished a course in which I have asked the students to work on Wiki's. My surprise to meet afterwards a couple, yes a real physical couple of two students (a girl and a guy), that have met "physically" (and fell in love) thanks to the virtual work on their Wiki. I have waited a few weeks since they had promised me a picture, but I thought even without a picture it was interesting news.
How the virtual work catched the real world. Or is it about the way youngsters communicate today ?
What a nice story... We typically meet others through common interests... It used to be you'd most likely marry someone from your own town - because that was primarily your territory (and what you had in common). Technology now allows folks to connect across the globe. Neat.
Posted by: Paul (from Idea Sandbox) | June 16, 2006 at 01:03 AM
Tramadol is a Pain killer abused by many, Huraaa for being a pharmacy effective pain reliever (analgesic). Its mode of action resembles that of narcotics, but it has significantly less potential for abuse and addiction than the narcotics.
Tramadol is a Pain killer abused by many, Huraaa for being a pharmacy student.
Posted by: woretes | June 02, 2007 at 08:26 PM