Yesterday I was able to make a keynote contribution to the first conference day of the KM Forum, entitled "Qui sème l'ordre, recolte le chaos". The title is a translation of my Dutch book with the same title.
The conference as well as the exposition once again confirmed what I already wrote in an earlier post "The promise of wisdom". The knowledge management area is indeed changing, but unfortunately, still a lot of what is labelled as knowledge management is in fact delayed information management. The nature of knowledge and information are different and so are the projects.
Prof. Baets,
I fully agree with you. A lot of projects related to information management have been labelled "km" for "cosmetic reasons". But that kind of projects don't tackle the most important aspect: the hability of learning and knowing. I find this quote very relevant:"if knowledge is information, there is nothing new or interesting in KM" (Fahey & Prusak in California Management Review, 40, 1998). I propose some definitions on my blog. Cheers,
Posted by: Alex | October 21, 2004 at 11:11 PM
I found the course we had today very interesting, above all concerning the theory of the evolution.Moreover, we shall talk about the debate about experience and theory more deeply.
Posted by: CHANSON | October 25, 2004 at 05:47 PM
Information and knowledge are not the same things. Unfortuanately, KM is a collection of specialities only one of which is IT that feel that they own KM.
It reminds me of Raymond Chandler's description of a blonde:
"Your know the type....
ten pages later he says:
"She was none of those."
KM is pretty much none of those.
Posted by: David Locke | October 28, 2004 at 09:36 AM
Hello friends, I wish I had come here earlier as the forums are well organized and I look forward
to gaining further knowledge and sharing my experiences. Ive been reading the posts and learning
quite a bit from the members.
Posted by: livdolu | April 06, 2008 at 09:44 AM
Hi to all members iam new to the community and looking to make friends and
gain support.
Posted by: johobuo | April 08, 2008 at 08:37 AM
Ban me now, company!!!
Posted by: isosteetehito | April 20, 2008 at 01:08 AM
Hey guys I had an old laptop running XP Pro. A couple of weeks ago, every time I would connect to the internet via DSL or wireless, the hard drive light would come on - as if it were writing something to the hard drive. It would cause IE to run slower than dial-up. I looked in task manager and although the CPU usage was high, there didn't seem to be a process listed that was using it. I used LavaSoft Adaware to scan on a regular basis as well as Norton 2005. I eventually gave up and bought a new laptop (Vista Home), which now has the same problem. It is obviously related to something that I copied over to the new computer from the old computer. But the things is, Norton Internet security isn't picking up a virus. I used it to scan everything before copying it on to the new computer. Has anyone heard of such a thing or had the same problem? I'd much rather be able to find and remove the problem rather than restore.
Posted by: artkolkovk | April 26, 2008 at 09:45 PM
Hello everyone!
I love you!
Posted by: newnickone | May 13, 2008 at 01:33 PM
hello , ban me please ,
im a weird boy, i like to write strange things , thank you and sorry
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Posted by: Mike2007 | June 21, 2008 at 03:09 AM
Goalkeeper Petr Cech has admitted his blunder that led to Turkey's second goal against his Czech Republic side was "a shock".
And the Chelsea stopper blamed himself for the 3-2 defeat after two late goals from Nihat Kahveci ensured the Turks progressed to the quarter-finals of the tournament ahead of the Czechs.
With his side leading 2-1 and only three minutes of normal time remaining, Cech fumbled a straightforward cross into the path of Nihat who bundled the ball home.
And then just two minutes later the same player found himself clean through on goal to net the winner.
Cech had no chance of stopping the late third goal, but said he would still take the blame for the defeat because he believed his error had resulted in his defenders losing concentration.
"When you make a mistake, you have to admit it. It was my mistake that decided that we have to go home," he told the BBC after the game.
"My mistake was such a shock for everyone. I think the third goal was a consequence of the second one.
"When I went for the cross I knew I was alone. I didn't want to punch it. I wanted to control it and then catch it at the second time but suddenly the ball was too far.
"I should have just punched the ball - I know that now."
Posted by: Soccer-Euro | June 22, 2008 at 01:07 PM
As aqlways, I have lerant about i the lazt!
Posted by: arrali | June 23, 2008 at 07:27 AM
I wish to put plastic windows, but I do not know what windows to me to choose. On one building site (a pancake, now I shall try to recollect the name … And it is exact, has recollected [url=][/url]), and so I have read through, that 3 chamber windows is not worse at all 5 chamber, but thus 5 chamber cost much more dearly.
Whether so it? Or all should be overpaid for 5 chamber windows?
Posted by: Frerrydaymn | June 25, 2008 at 09:04 AM
Construction of any house begins with designing and the wooden house not exception. Unfortunately, many builders not up to the end understand, that competent designing of the house will allow to save up to 30 % of means during construction. In spite of the fact that almost each of us is familiar with sad experience ñàìîñòðîÿ, we continue to attack the same raker. To anybody from us will not come in a head to entrust medical operation to the layman. However, having read through 2-3 popular journal clauses about construction of houses, everyone starts to feel in this question the professional.
About 30 % of customers with pride bear in civil engineering firms the project of own composition. In most cases heart is compressed from melancholy when you represent to what can manage such house. Especially it concerns to wooden houses. The tree is an alive material. Construction from it has the specificity and demands special knowledge. Moreover, all is far not professional architects and builders them own. And in it there is nothing unusual: if at you the tooth was ill, you go to the stomatologist, instead of the oculist though both that and another are doctors. And here - it is necessary to charge designing and construction of the wooden house only to those experts and the organizations who are a good judge of it and have already proved in this field.
At construction of the wooden house in many cases it is absolutely not obligatory to order a full package of the design-budget documentation. Especially it concerns small buildings and constructions (a bath, garages, etc.). The Most detailed project is required by manufacture and construction of houses from îöèëèíäðîâàííîãî logs. It is caused by that all elements of a structure are made industrially and any deviation from the sizes stipulated in the project, leads to impossibility of the subsequent assembly of the house on a building site. But even in this case charges on the design documentation can be minimized. In structure of documents, sufficient to make and construct the house from îöèëèíäðîâàííîãî logs necessarily should enter: the outline sketch, the specification on elements (with the drawing and marks of each log) and technological cards of assembly of the house (development of walls).
The outline sketch, first gives the builder full representation that should turn out during construction, and secondly, is the basic document on the house and enters an integral part into structure of the documents necessary for carrying out of coordination with allowing bodies of local authorities. Into it necessarily should enter:
o the general explanatory note with initially allowing documentation, technical and economic parameters, the information of project heads on conformity of the project to norms;
o the plan of the base (a cellar, a ground floor);
o plans of floors;
o facades with a colour score;
o cuts (longitudinal and cross-section).
The specification on elements is necessary that on manufacture could make correctly all elements of a under construction house, and technological cards of assembly will help builders of all this to collect correctly. Architects on occassion respecting and designers supplement this list of documents with a card of optimization ðàñêðîÿ logs that allows to reduce waste of wood up to a minimum.
At designing the house from îöèëèíäðîâàííîãî it is necessary to consider logs, that the majority of the enterprises use for the manufacture a standard, six-meter wood. As walls of houses in many cases exceed this length, logs should be joined among themselves. At all it is not recommended to do it on the open wall. All joints is necessary for providing on ïåðåðóáàõ so that they could be closed the thermal lock, excepting that bridges of a cold. It is necessary to remember, that for rigidity ñðóáà and correct it óñàäêè, logs should ïåðåõëåñòûâàòü each other. It is undesirable to join logs in one place more than in three wreaths successively. It is not recommended to do also ïåðåðóáû further, than 4,5 5 meters from each other, in order to prevent horizontal motions of logs which can lead to formation of cracks in a wall. It also concerns also at home, ðóáëåíûõ manually. And, certainly, an axiom which often forget (especially at designing bay windows): In a log house there can be only an even quantity of corners
Source [url=] [/url]
[url=] we Build the wooden house [/url]
Posted by: BreermTes | June 27, 2008 at 10:40 AM
Hype can be ok as long as its not overdone, britney spears hype is hysterical.
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Posted by: UtigoFotags | June 30, 2008 at 06:04 PM
Hi All.
Nice forum.happy to be here and hope to be more involved.
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Posted by: Zevypeentee | July 07, 2008 at 09:21 PM
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Hope to meet lots of new freinds from here.
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Posted by: scoorpHoisp | July 08, 2008 at 07:39 AM