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  • This BLOG has a double purpose. It aims to contribute to the discussion and development of the academic field that could be situated in between complexity theory, knowledge management, innovation and learning; in summary a more holistic and systemic approach to management. As such it reflects the activities that take place in the Euromed transversal research track on this subject. The Home Page and the Reading host this contribution. In the News and Discussion sections, this BLOG is used to animate courses in the area of “Complexity and the Networked Economy”, "Knowledge Management and Learning" and "A quantum interpreation of business".

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Associate Researcher

Pedagogical concepts



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Walter, if we look on the concept of "power of network" then in my view there is strong links between senders and receivers of the network in all the direction. In the first paragraph you have mentioned the protest against BUSH and i cant connect it with the power of networks. What i think is its a flow of people "pshycological trend" many people have seen very bad effect of war on iraq and they have sympathy with the people and thats why they might be there in protest contrary if BUSH had not gone for the war and imagine that SADDAM had really something very dangerous then also people had protest against BUSH.

what i want to say is more than 90% of people in the protest dont know exactly what is the issue and they just follow the other who r the leaders so i dont find anything related to the network in that.

But if your point of view is with the information which makes differance when it spreads in more and more people then I am agree with that point. I too believe that any information which spreads by any kind of network to more and more people will definitely make differance.

Walter Baets

Yes and no, of course. My question is about how networks function. When Aznar decided that Spain should support the Iraqi war, the entire Spanish population was against and eventually, the elections have given a major landshift. You could add numbers of these exemples. Now on the spiritual side (which I do not mention) there are people (Chopra) that are convinced, that in order to change war into peace, it would be enough to create a network sufficiently large that support a peace idea, for moving the common consciousness in that direction. So the point is not that people are in favour or against Bush (though I still think the protestors are really against). The point is how a network (non organised) of people that share a common goal arrive to create a movement that makes a difference ?


Je pense que la force des réseaux humains est issue de l'apparition des NTIC. En effet, ces nouvelles technologies ont permis une plus grande flexibilité du fonctionnement des réseaux. Les réseaux humains sont généralement non-hierarchisés et non centralisés. Ils caractérisent un système social dynamique et permettent à chacun d'être en interaction avec les autres.
Aussi, la force du réseau humain est qu'il est dispatché, donc difficilement controllable.


Autopoeisis again. Although they are non orgorganised networks of people manage to be powerful and efficient if they are large enough


La network économie est remplie d'avantages et d'inconvéniants. Socialement c'est devenu, avec les NTIC, un liens social à part entière. Idéoligiquement, c'est à la fois un vecteur de démocratie (au sens étymologique)et un danger car pouvant entraîner des dérives via justement un réseau suffisament large et accessible.
Au niveau économique, c'est une avancée enorme qui permet de coordonner plus facilement les éléments d'un système complexe. On comprend d'ailleur sa grande utilité pour des aspect tels que la logistique, ou le contrôle de gestion.

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